Pues ayer me fui a un ranchitoo...bieeen agustooo...alberquita...solecito....airecito ricooo....carnita asada...A TODO DAR!!!... Agarré bien bonito color....como se podrán dar cuenta en la foto...(bien me advirtieron que quedarme de 1 a 5 tomando el sol traería sus consecuencias)...JAJAJAJA...
March 31, 2005
March 30, 2005
Eternal Sunshine...
March 29, 2005
Y mi perrito?!?! Parte 2
Bueno...siguiendo con la historia del perrito...pasaron como 2 años y 1/2 y mi hermana cumplió sus XV años...jajajaja... En la cuadra había un velador al que queríamos mucho, toda mi familia..era bieen buenoo...y él también estaba muy encariñado con nosotros...
Él tenía un perrito, y mi hermana y yo siempre le decíamos que queríamos uno...Se enteró que mi hermana cumplía los XV y que le regala uno por que acababa de tener cachorritos!!! Nooombre, nosotras felices de la vida...y ya mi mamá no le podía decir que no!! jaja...
Pero que se viene el problema de cómo le íbamos a poner al perrillo!!... JAJAJAJAJAJA...mi hermano le quería poner "Eddie" por Eddie Van Halen...JAJAJAJA..pero al hijo de mi padrino le dicen así...y coooooomoo!? jajaja..noo..sería una falta de respeto... Sugerimos varios...pero se quedó el más "ingenioso"...jajajajaja....
Le pusimos KEVIN...jajajajajajajaja...y dirán ustedes...ingenioso de dónde?!?.... El nombrecito surgió cuando el perro estaba bebé y lloraba mucho en la noche...KE BIEN FRIEGAS!!...KEVIN PONES GORRO...jajajajaja y hay más así pero como estaba chiquita no me dejaban decírselas...
Y ese fue mi adorado KEVIN...mi perrito raza "schnauzer" segúuuuuun...jajajaja era más co-ca que nada...
Dicho y hecho! todo fue como una PROFECÍA....Mi mamá terminó atendiendo y queriendo al Kevin más que ninguno de sus hijos.... Aahhh!! y en cuanto a mi papá...entró el perro y se fue él....JAJAJA trabajó en Michoacán por 7 años... Pero bueno, esa será otra historia..
Por mientras aquí les dejo esta foto de mi perrito con nombre de hijo de chacha que tiene sueños americanos...(ej. MELANI, BRIAN, JONATHAN, MICHAEL, KIMBERLY...jajaja y por supuesto KEVIN)...
Él tenía un perrito, y mi hermana y yo siempre le decíamos que queríamos uno...Se enteró que mi hermana cumplía los XV y que le regala uno por que acababa de tener cachorritos!!! Nooombre, nosotras felices de la vida...y ya mi mamá no le podía decir que no!! jaja...
Pero que se viene el problema de cómo le íbamos a poner al perrillo!!... JAJAJAJAJAJA...mi hermano le quería poner "Eddie" por Eddie Van Halen...JAJAJAJA..pero al hijo de mi padrino le dicen así...y coooooomoo!? jajaja..noo..sería una falta de respeto... Sugerimos varios...pero se quedó el más "ingenioso"...jajajajaja....
Le pusimos KEVIN...jajajajajajajaja...y dirán ustedes...ingenioso de dónde?!?.... El nombrecito surgió cuando el perro estaba bebé y lloraba mucho en la noche...KE BIEN FRIEGAS!!...KEVIN PONES GORRO...jajajajaja y hay más así pero como estaba chiquita no me dejaban decírselas...
Y ese fue mi adorado KEVIN...mi perrito raza "schnauzer" segúuuuuun...jajajaja era más co-ca que nada...
Dicho y hecho! todo fue como una PROFECÍA....Mi mamá terminó atendiendo y queriendo al Kevin más que ninguno de sus hijos.... Aahhh!! y en cuanto a mi papá...entró el perro y se fue él....JAJAJA trabajó en Michoacán por 7 años... Pero bueno, esa será otra historia..
Por mientras aquí les dejo esta foto de mi perrito con nombre de hijo de chacha que tiene sueños americanos...(ej. MELANI, BRIAN, JONATHAN, MICHAEL, KIMBERLY...jajaja y por supuesto KEVIN)...
March 28, 2005
Y mi perrito?!?!
JAJAJA...ahí les va otra de mis tantas anécdotas de la infancia...
Tendría yo unos 5 -6 años más o menos...y mi hermana tendría 12-13...jaja ahí más o menos...Y las dos moríamos por UN PERRITOO!!!
Todos los días era el miiiiismo cuento..."Papiii, ¿¿nos compras un perrito??" repetidas veces durante tooooodo el día...
A mí papá le encantan los perros y claro que si por él hubiera sido nos compraba hasta 3!!...pero aquí el problema era mi mamá....
"Se les va a olvidar el pobre perroooo, y yo lo voy a tener que andar limpiandoooo!" "Va a hacer un batiderooo!!", "Va a llenar todo de peloooss!!" "Me va a ensuciar la casaaa!!!" ....entre otras taaaantas quejas.....JAJA...pero nosotras seguíamos pidiéndole a mi papá...algún día él la tendría que convencer...
Total...un día mi mamá se hartó de que le siguieramos pidiendo por el perro....y se le ocurrió una "brillante" idea...jajajaja....Pues que nos llega un día con una AMENAZA!!!!
JAJAJAJA...Tengo la memoria fotográfica: Estaba mi mamá sentada en la cama, y mi hermana y yo sentadas en el piso viéndola a ella hacia arriba...Mi papá estaba en el baño...mi mamá nos dice esto y mi hermana se quedó callada, callada...con una cara de trauma...
Yo me levanté...fui al baño...le toqué la puerta a mi papá....y le dije:
"Papi...te vamos a extrañar mucho!"
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA estuvo conmadreeee....
Todo mundo atacado de la risaaa!!!!
JAJAJAJAJA...lo que se le ocurre a uno de chiquillo vedáaaa? JAJAJA...
Tendría yo unos 5 -6 años más o menos...y mi hermana tendría 12-13...jaja ahí más o menos...Y las dos moríamos por UN PERRITOO!!!
Todos los días era el miiiiismo cuento..."Papiii, ¿¿nos compras un perrito??" repetidas veces durante tooooodo el día...
A mí papá le encantan los perros y claro que si por él hubiera sido nos compraba hasta 3!!...pero aquí el problema era mi mamá....
"Se les va a olvidar el pobre perroooo, y yo lo voy a tener que andar limpiandoooo!" "Va a hacer un batiderooo!!", "Va a llenar todo de peloooss!!" "Me va a ensuciar la casaaa!!!" ....entre otras taaaantas quejas.....JAJA...pero nosotras seguíamos pidiéndole a mi papá...algún día él la tendría que convencer...
Total...un día mi mamá se hartó de que le siguieramos pidiendo por el perro....y se le ocurrió una "brillante" idea...jajajaja....Pues que nos llega un día con una AMENAZA!!!!
JAJAJAJA...Tengo la memoria fotográfica: Estaba mi mamá sentada en la cama, y mi hermana y yo sentadas en el piso viéndola a ella hacia arriba...Mi papá estaba en el baño...mi mamá nos dice esto y mi hermana se quedó callada, callada...con una cara de trauma...
Yo me levanté...fui al baño...le toqué la puerta a mi papá....y le dije:
"Papi...te vamos a extrañar mucho!"
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA estuvo conmadreeee....
Todo mundo atacado de la risaaa!!!!
JAJAJAJAJA...lo que se le ocurre a uno de chiquillo vedáaaa? JAJAJA...
You're a worm, or your life is like a worm, because you eat through time, you move through time, and you're up front here, but everything trails behind you, like a worm. I always think that we are like worms. I wonder if we look like them. You know, from a certain perspective, we might. Maybe all of our past glows.
March 27, 2005
Y esos quiénes son?
JAJAJAJAJA..prepárense para lo que les voy a contar...
Bueno, no es nada fuera de lo común, ni es acá algo gravísimo...pero es el colmo de los colmos, y así hay muuuuuuucha gente...
Hace poco me fui a dar una vuelta para el gabacho...ya saben, el shiiiiiopping allá por los McAllen'es...y hay una tienda que me gusta mucho que se llama Hot Topic....(si no la conocen denle click aquí)....La tiendita ésta tiene de todo...para gente darketilla, para poperos, punketos, rockeros, retro-vintage (that's me)....tiene camisetas, accesorios, zapatos, muñequitos, mugrero y 1/2...etc, etc...A mí me gusta por que venden camisetas de Los Simpsons, y cosas de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas...pero bueno, enough...vamos al grano!
Entré, y andaba vagando por los "pasillos" y hay una parte al fondo en donde están todos los diseños de las camisetas pegados en la pared...Camisetas de grupos musicales en su mayoría...
Estaba viendo cuales tenían...y llegan unas chavas y se ponen a ver los diseños al lado de mí....Estaban vestidas con todo el kit necesario para ser PUNKS....con sus botones, sus saquitos, sus tennis converse, las muñequeras, pelillo parado...cadenillas en los jeans, una tenía una camiseta de SIMPLE PLAN (que segúuuun son catalogados como PUNK)....Total....traían TODO EL KIT...
Se les quedaban viendo a las camisetas y cada vez que cambiaban de fila a sus expresiones se les añadía más confusión...
EL COLMO DE COLMOS fue cuando una le pregunta a la otra...
Sujeto 1:
WEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!! (nótese lo afresado) Quién chingados son THE RAMONES?
Sujeto 2:
No tengo idea weeeey!!!!!!!...de seguro son nuevos...
Ramones is group from Forest Hills, New York. These original members were singer: Joey Ramone , lead guitar:Johnny Ramone, Basist: Dee Dee Ramone and drummer: Tommy Ramone. They got their first attention on the New York rockscene in August 1974. Their first TV appearance was in Radio City Studios in N.Y 1975 and their debut LP, Ramones, came out in early 1976. This music was really fresh and vibrant.
Ramones was invited PUNK. Their concerts included a summer visit to London. They saw there Damned and Clash in fourth of july. Clash was began in that day and Damned before in that week. Sex Pistols had started before, but they took the music be based on Ramones sound.
All the better-known punk groups that followed - The Sex Pistols, The Clash, whoever - they would be the first ones to say that without The Ramones the whole PUNK movement never would have happened.
Bueno, no es nada fuera de lo común, ni es acá algo gravísimo...pero es el colmo de los colmos, y así hay muuuuuuucha gente...
Hace poco me fui a dar una vuelta para el gabacho...ya saben, el shiiiiiopping allá por los McAllen'es...y hay una tienda que me gusta mucho que se llama Hot Topic....(si no la conocen denle click aquí)....La tiendita ésta tiene de todo...para gente darketilla, para poperos, punketos, rockeros, retro-vintage (that's me)....tiene camisetas, accesorios, zapatos, muñequitos, mugrero y 1/2...etc, etc...A mí me gusta por que venden camisetas de Los Simpsons, y cosas de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas...pero bueno, enough...vamos al grano!
Entré, y andaba vagando por los "pasillos" y hay una parte al fondo en donde están todos los diseños de las camisetas pegados en la pared...Camisetas de grupos musicales en su mayoría...
Estaba viendo cuales tenían...y llegan unas chavas y se ponen a ver los diseños al lado de mí....Estaban vestidas con todo el kit necesario para ser PUNKS....con sus botones, sus saquitos, sus tennis converse, las muñequeras, pelillo parado...cadenillas en los jeans, una tenía una camiseta de SIMPLE PLAN (que segúuuun son catalogados como PUNK)....Total....traían TODO EL KIT...
Se les quedaban viendo a las camisetas y cada vez que cambiaban de fila a sus expresiones se les añadía más confusión...
EL COLMO DE COLMOS fue cuando una le pregunta a la otra...
Sujeto 1:
WEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!! (nótese lo afresado) Quién chingados son THE RAMONES?
Sujeto 2:
No tengo idea weeeey!!!!!!!...de seguro son nuevos...
Ramones is group from Forest Hills, New York. These original members were singer: Joey Ramone , lead guitar:Johnny Ramone, Basist: Dee Dee Ramone and drummer: Tommy Ramone. They got their first attention on the New York rockscene in August 1974. Their first TV appearance was in Radio City Studios in N.Y 1975 and their debut LP, Ramones, came out in early 1976. This music was really fresh and vibrant.
Ramones was invited PUNK. Their concerts included a summer visit to London. They saw there Damned and Clash in fourth of july. Clash was began in that day and Damned before in that week. Sex Pistols had started before, but they took the music be based on Ramones sound.
All the better-known punk groups that followed - The Sex Pistols, The Clash, whoever - they would be the first ones to say that without The Ramones the whole PUNK movement never would have happened.
March 26, 2005
Stay Alive
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is full of passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering: these are noble pursuits necessary to sustain life; but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
March 25, 2005
I'm Blind
March 22, 2005
3, 2, 1...ACTION !!!
Picture this:
You pass out, right?
Straight to Heaven....or Hell...whatever...
The fact is that when you get to the reception of either, they hand out to you a film containing your entire life...
We've all have been told that story before: "When you die you get to watch your whole life once again"...
I think there's also a myth that tells that you see your whole life pass before your eyes in the very moment you're dying...but, anyway...here you get to watch a movie....
So you sit down, get some pop corn, you play the film, and start over again, living through the screen...
What would you do most of the time as you watch it?...
Get Dissapointed?
Wish there was a different scenery? Cast? Story?
In wich category would your movie be placed?
Would it be a comedy?
Silly-Airhead-Superficial Teen Movies?
How would you rate it?
How many stars would you give it?
Which parts would you like to be deleted?
Which parts would you rewind and play over and over again?
Which parts would you fast forward without even looking at the screen?
What songs would be on the soundtrack?
Would it be an award winning nominee film?
I just know that even though I'd like to act exactly as my script tells me to; I would preffer to make it natural and be guided by the director. I would also love to have a co-star...
You pass out, right?
Straight to Heaven....or Hell...whatever...
The fact is that when you get to the reception of either, they hand out to you a film containing your entire life...
We've all have been told that story before: "When you die you get to watch your whole life once again"...
I think there's also a myth that tells that you see your whole life pass before your eyes in the very moment you're dying...but, anyway...here you get to watch a movie....
So you sit down, get some pop corn, you play the film, and start over again, living through the screen...
What would you do most of the time as you watch it?...
Get Dissapointed?
Wish there was a different scenery? Cast? Story?
In wich category would your movie be placed?
Would it be a comedy?
Silly-Airhead-Superficial Teen Movies?
How would you rate it?
How many stars would you give it?
Which parts would you like to be deleted?
Which parts would you rewind and play over and over again?
Which parts would you fast forward without even looking at the screen?
What songs would be on the soundtrack?
Would it be an award winning nominee film?
I just know that even though I'd like to act exactly as my script tells me to; I would preffer to make it natural and be guided by the director. I would also love to have a co-star...
I like to create weird hypothesis about the meaning of life, destiny, death dreams, love...
My favorite is to believe that we all have a certain number of inhalations and exhalations predetermined in the very moment of our birth...
So the laster I hold my breath, the longer I'll live...
Or I could die immediately by the lack of oxygen...
This is getting quite paradoxic...
March 18, 2005
I am who I am who I am, who am I?
I'm a song that has never been played...
I'm a word that hasn't been pronounced...
I'm a teardrop that you haven't cried yet...
I'm the paint that hasn't dried...
I'm a flower that still hasn't bloomed...
I'm a wheel that hasn't turned...
I'm the light that hasn't guided your way...
I'm a box you've never opened before...
I'm a sigh you've never felt on your chest...
I'm a ray of light that has never warmed you...
I'm the smile that hasn't reached your lips...
I'm a riddle you'll never solve...
I'm a lie you'll never tell...
I'm a secret you'll never spread...
I'm a word that hasn't been pronounced...
I'm a teardrop that you haven't cried yet...
I'm the paint that hasn't dried...
I'm a flower that still hasn't bloomed...
I'm a wheel that hasn't turned...
I'm the light that hasn't guided your way...
I'm a box you've never opened before...
I'm a sigh you've never felt on your chest...
I'm a ray of light that has never warmed you...
I'm the smile that hasn't reached your lips...
I'm a riddle you'll never solve...
I'm a lie you'll never tell...
I'm a secret you'll never spread...
Sound of Silence
March 16, 2005
March 15, 2005
That says it all...
Hit the town, still dressing down, looking for some action...
Mr. Jagger said it best, he knows you never get...no satisfaction,
But Mr. Dylan knows that everyone is more or less a rolling stone,
And Mr. Lennon, so quiet, knows better, or so I've been told...
That says it all, doesn't it?
We always want what we never get...
Well listen, hear, my friend
I can't continue to pretend that it's alright'...
Cause that ain't right...That ain't right
I hear you're gonna make it big, rake it in with your master plan,
Mr. Hendrix understood, those are only castles made of sand...
Mr. Wilson took some pills...and I don't blame him, It's hard to be alive...
Mr. Page, how he played...
Mr. Drake stayed up late and made me cry...
They've said it all haven't they?
But what I want, what I want to say is:
Listen, hear my friend
I can't continue to pretend that it's alright
No matter what we get...
We never find our happiness
Ain't that a crime?
Maybe that's why I've been told since I was six years old to compromise
But that ain't right...That ain't right
Mr. Jagger said it best, he knows you never get...no satisfaction,
But Mr. Dylan knows that everyone is more or less a rolling stone,
And Mr. Lennon, so quiet, knows better, or so I've been told...
That says it all, doesn't it?
We always want what we never get...
Well listen, hear, my friend
I can't continue to pretend that it's alright'...
Cause that ain't right...That ain't right
I hear you're gonna make it big, rake it in with your master plan,
Mr. Hendrix understood, those are only castles made of sand...
Mr. Wilson took some pills...and I don't blame him, It's hard to be alive...
Mr. Page, how he played...
Mr. Drake stayed up late and made me cry...
They've said it all haven't they?
But what I want, what I want to say is:
Listen, hear my friend
I can't continue to pretend that it's alright
No matter what we get...
We never find our happiness
Ain't that a crime?
Maybe that's why I've been told since I was six years old to compromise
But that ain't right...That ain't right
March 13, 2005
Sliping away
Say you were about to dissappear...
What would be left but your bare soul?
Promises can put you back together, but only if you keep them close...
Keep them apart, and you'll burst into a million pieces...
Neglect them and watch your life slip away...
Nothing will keep you together, except for the promise of a brilliant awakening...
Keep your promises and SOMEONE ELSE will keep theirs for you...
What would be left but your bare soul?
Promises can put you back together, but only if you keep them close...
Keep them apart, and you'll burst into a million pieces...
Neglect them and watch your life slip away...
Nothing will keep you together, except for the promise of a brilliant awakening...
Keep your promises and SOMEONE ELSE will keep theirs for you...
March 10, 2005
Mon Fabuleux Destin
"Sans toi les émotions d'aujourd'hui ne seraient que la peau morte des émotions d'autrefois."
"Without you, today's emotions wouldn't be but dead skin from former emotions".
"Sin ti, las emociones de hoy no serían más que la piel muerta de emociones anteriores".
"Without you, today's emotions wouldn't be but dead skin from former emotions".
"Sin ti, las emociones de hoy no serían más que la piel muerta de emociones anteriores".
March 9, 2005
You know you never never know yourself,
All the years you've lived, you could be someone else...
And all the times you've been alone,
all the lies you told now hunt your perfect spacious home...
And now, there's NO TIME...
It's not such a CRIME to say you don't love her...
All of those akward silences over breakfast as you fumble with your toast,
you know the magic's gone for good...
Little things get on your nerves, that never worried you before...
And you swore IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN to you...
And you said you'd ALWAYS BE SO TRUE...
It's not such a CRIME to say you don't love her...
To say you don't love me...
All the years you've lived, you could be someone else...
And all the times you've been alone,
all the lies you told now hunt your perfect spacious home...
And now, there's NO TIME...
It's not such a CRIME to say you don't love her...
All of those akward silences over breakfast as you fumble with your toast,
you know the magic's gone for good...
Little things get on your nerves, that never worried you before...
And you swore IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN to you...
And you said you'd ALWAYS BE SO TRUE...
It's not such a CRIME to say you don't love her...
To say you don't love me...
March 8, 2005
Wide Open Eye
YOU Serious, YOU Delirious...
Have YOU got a heart?!?
YOU can really lose it in the Super-People-Mart...
YOU are the most beautiful thing I know...
and the most beautiful thing is when I hear your heart beat...
Will human be dumb and free, or some amazing catastrophe?
Never too scared to bare, to care
to running to the riot where the moment meets the most beautiful thing I know...
Something new I dunno why I know all there is I know...
Where is your How?
Holding up your frown a prop to stop YOU smiling now...
Heaven or the heather or the miracles of weather....
But YOU listen to the most beautiful thing I know,
And the most beautiful thing, darling, is when I hear your heart
YOU Serious, YOU Delirious...
Have YOU got a heart?!?
YOU can really lose it in the Super-People-Mart...
YOU are the most beautiful thing I know...
and the most beautiful thing is when I hear your heart beat...
Will human be dumb and free, or some amazing catastrophe?
Never too scared to bare, to care
to running to the riot where the moment meets the most beautiful thing I know...
Something new I dunno why I know all there is I know...
Where is your How?
Holding up your frown a prop to stop YOU smiling now...
Heaven or the heather or the miracles of weather....
But YOU listen to the most beautiful thing I know,
And the most beautiful thing, darling, is when I hear your heart
March 6, 2005
I'd like that...
When you first meet somebody, you find out they like you, first of all…friend of a friend of their says: “He/ She really, really likes you� and it kills you, it sends you to the ground, you gotta pick yourself up from the ground...
Then you get their phone number and you call them up, right? And you say: “Yeah, that was a great phone conversation...can I see you sometime?� And then they say this, they say : “I’d like that�..."I’d like that� makes you fall on the floor again, your heart is about to stop because of “I’d like that�, nothing feels better than “I’d like that�, so now your blood pressure is going up, you’re 6 feet off the ground, you can’t sleep because of “I’d like that�....
So then you hang out for a while, and you call, you talk on the phone all the time, and then you drop the bomb, what feels like the bomb, you say: “You know what? I’ve been thinking about you a lot�...and she/he goes: “(Loosing breath)�, and you go: “What Happens?!� She/he goes: “I’m Sorry, I just, I just, that’s....I’ve been thinking about you too� BAM! Higher than the sky...but now “I’d like that� DONE!, now you’re up to: “I’ve been thinking about you�...
Then, however number of months have passed, to make you feel comfortable by saying it, you say it: “I’ve gotta tell you something� They go: “What?�, you go: “I’m in love with you� and nothing in the world sounds better than: “I’m in love with you� and then maybe she/he starts crying, or maybe he/she goes: “(Loosing Breath)� and all of a sudden you’re like: “I’m in�...But now what doesn’t work?: “I’d like that� and “I’ve been thinking about you�. Now we’re in “I’m in love with you�...
Then maybe someday we’ll move to “I love you�, Fast forward, now you’re like “I love you a lot�, “I love you more than anything in life�...Now “I love you� doesn’t work...It’s official..it keeps moving up fast forward like 6 months, 6 weeks, or whatever the case may be...now you’re like.. “I wanna marry you�, “I wanna impregnate you with my love�, “I wanna send my love to you�...DAMN IT!!! words don’t work anymore and then you say this line, i know you’ve used this line before: “I just wish they put a new word in the dictionary bigger than love, ‘cause love just doesn’t describe what I feel�...
And so then now, He or she starts asking: “Do you love me?� And then you start going: “Of course I love you!� “Well Say it!� And then it becomes: “Say it twice�, and then: “Say it three times!�.
And then you cross a really interesting point where all of a sudden it becomes: “I hate you, I hate you!!� And then you go: “Oh my gosh! She/he hates me!� And now it’s like “I hate you more than anything� and then it’s like: “We’re over!� And then they go: “NO we’re not�, You go: “YES WE ARE!�; and now the words completely do not work at all, you’re left with nothing, you’re throwing punches underwater, you’re done....
You know what the moral of that story is?...if there is one:Never, ever, ever, ever, underestimate the power of “I’d like That�...
Then you get their phone number and you call them up, right? And you say: “Yeah, that was a great phone conversation...can I see you sometime?� And then they say this, they say : “I’d like that�..."I’d like that� makes you fall on the floor again, your heart is about to stop because of “I’d like that�, nothing feels better than “I’d like that�, so now your blood pressure is going up, you’re 6 feet off the ground, you can’t sleep because of “I’d like that�....
So then you hang out for a while, and you call, you talk on the phone all the time, and then you drop the bomb, what feels like the bomb, you say: “You know what? I’ve been thinking about you a lot�...and she/he goes: “(Loosing breath)�, and you go: “What Happens?!� She/he goes: “I’m Sorry, I just, I just, that’s....I’ve been thinking about you too� BAM! Higher than the sky...but now “I’d like that� DONE!, now you’re up to: “I’ve been thinking about you�...
Then, however number of months have passed, to make you feel comfortable by saying it, you say it: “I’ve gotta tell you something� They go: “What?�, you go: “I’m in love with you� and nothing in the world sounds better than: “I’m in love with you� and then maybe she/he starts crying, or maybe he/she goes: “(Loosing Breath)� and all of a sudden you’re like: “I’m in�...But now what doesn’t work?: “I’d like that� and “I’ve been thinking about you�. Now we’re in “I’m in love with you�...
Then maybe someday we’ll move to “I love you�, Fast forward, now you’re like “I love you a lot�, “I love you more than anything in life�...Now “I love you� doesn’t work...It’s official..it keeps moving up fast forward like 6 months, 6 weeks, or whatever the case may be...now you’re like.. “I wanna marry you�, “I wanna impregnate you with my love�, “I wanna send my love to you�...DAMN IT!!! words don’t work anymore and then you say this line, i know you’ve used this line before: “I just wish they put a new word in the dictionary bigger than love, ‘cause love just doesn’t describe what I feel�...
And so then now, He or she starts asking: “Do you love me?� And then you start going: “Of course I love you!� “Well Say it!� And then it becomes: “Say it twice�, and then: “Say it three times!�.
And then you cross a really interesting point where all of a sudden it becomes: “I hate you, I hate you!!� And then you go: “Oh my gosh! She/he hates me!� And now it’s like “I hate you more than anything� and then it’s like: “We’re over!� And then they go: “NO we’re not�, You go: “YES WE ARE!�; and now the words completely do not work at all, you’re left with nothing, you’re throwing punches underwater, you’re done....
You know what the moral of that story is?...if there is one:Never, ever, ever, ever, underestimate the power of “I’d like That�...
March 2, 2005
Pinch me...
Most of my memories have scaped me...or confused themselves with dreams...
I feel just like Alice when she saw herself sleeping and couldn't wake up...
I have been in that situation often:
I know I'm only sleeping, dreaming...and I wanna wake up.....But I can't...Not even when I pinch myself...
Sometimes I've had this dream in which I'm sleeping, I wake up, and then I do the things I normally do when I wake up...Just to find out, I was dreaming of doing the things I normally do when I wake up...A dream whithin a dream...
Usually, I lay down to sleep...I sleep over my chest, and place my head upon my pillow, with my hands below it...I start getting this weird sensation of calmness and quietness which I adore, but I'm still awake...
I start closing my eyes...I'm now entering sleepness...and I feel as if my body was floating over the room...Suddenly, I shiver... I feel something down my spine that makes me move my body in a harsh way, but it's so quick that I barely felt it...Still, is not a pleasent sensation...I love and hate when that happens...
I love falling asleep when I'm so tired
I love falling asleep during a roadtrip
I love falling asleep on the cold kitchen floor on a hot summer's day
I love falling asleep listening to music I also love
I love falling asleep on the back seat of the car, when my parents are driving, we're back from somewhere, and they have to wake me up, and help me make my way to my room
I love falling asleep when someone is caressing my hair
I love falling asleep after I've had a bath, my hair smells nice, and it's cold and wet
I love falling asleep on a cold night, near the heat radiator
I love falling asleep the day before my birthday
I love falling asleep on the beach
I love falling asleep at a friend's house
I love falling asleep when I know that on the next day I don't have to wake up early
I love falling asleep when I'm reading in bed
I love falling asleep with the notion that when I wake up there's gonna be a better day...
But most of all...
I love falling asleep because it's the prelude to a DREAM....
I feel just like Alice when she saw herself sleeping and couldn't wake up...
I have been in that situation often:
I know I'm only sleeping, dreaming...and I wanna wake up.....But I can't...Not even when I pinch myself...
Sometimes I've had this dream in which I'm sleeping, I wake up, and then I do the things I normally do when I wake up...Just to find out, I was dreaming of doing the things I normally do when I wake up...A dream whithin a dream...
Usually, I lay down to sleep...I sleep over my chest, and place my head upon my pillow, with my hands below it...I start getting this weird sensation of calmness and quietness which I adore, but I'm still awake...
I start closing my eyes...I'm now entering sleepness...and I feel as if my body was floating over the room...Suddenly, I shiver... I feel something down my spine that makes me move my body in a harsh way, but it's so quick that I barely felt it...Still, is not a pleasent sensation...I love and hate when that happens...
I love falling asleep when I'm so tired
I love falling asleep during a roadtrip
I love falling asleep on the cold kitchen floor on a hot summer's day
I love falling asleep listening to music I also love
I love falling asleep on the back seat of the car, when my parents are driving, we're back from somewhere, and they have to wake me up, and help me make my way to my room
I love falling asleep when someone is caressing my hair
I love falling asleep after I've had a bath, my hair smells nice, and it's cold and wet
I love falling asleep on a cold night, near the heat radiator
I love falling asleep the day before my birthday
I love falling asleep on the beach
I love falling asleep at a friend's house
I love falling asleep when I know that on the next day I don't have to wake up early
I love falling asleep when I'm reading in bed
I love falling asleep with the notion that when I wake up there's gonna be a better day...
But most of all...
I love falling asleep because it's the prelude to a DREAM....
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